Friday, February 1, 2013

CULTIVATE creativity

One of my goals is to be more creative. I have really put that part of my life away in the recent years. It makes me rather sad because it is such a happy part of my life. I do small things here and there, like handmade holidays. It was like it jump started my creativity. So as part of my one little word journey I am trying to make more time for the things that make my life more full- one of those is creating. Anything.

In the past few days I was reminded that in the fall I declared "Superbowl Party at our house!" Of course now that its this weekend I was panicking because I forgot completely. Then my lovely husband said  that I didn't have to do it, but that he thought it would be fun for me. And his so right (such a smart guy he has a way of often saying things in way that I am blown away by, our thought processes are so different. I am a worrier/analyzer, he is a yes/no man).

So, I sent out the text "5 pm Sunday" and I am challenging myself to throw a party this weekend, here is the kicker- with little to no budget.

So I did the Internet search and made a quick inspiration page. I am going to use what I have- paper/glue/tape, and make the most of it! Inspiration from Party City website here.

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